Grant: Support of Diverse Participation in the 2024 HamSCI Workshop
Date: November 2023
Amount: $35,040
Since 2018, the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) Workshop has occurred each year, uniting the amateur radio and the professional space science communities. This workshop has been significant to many projects, including, but not limited to, the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station Project. This workshop has a crucial role in not only the scientific workforce but also in the amateur radio community, bringing together scientists, engineers, and amateur radio operators to a place where they can both learn from each other and share ideas.
This grant will provide funding to support diverse participation at the HamSCI workshop, a two-day event to be held at Case Western Reserve University from March 22 – 23, 2024. Committed to diversity and equity, HamSCI has a track record of inviting and incorporating speakers and participants from underrepresented groups in science and engineering, where they have been the Workshop’s previous Keynote Speakers, Invited Tutorial Speakers, and members of the Science/Program committee. HamSCI will send the meeting announcement and call for abstracts to multiple organizations that serve and/or have access to members of underrepresented groups, such as the Society of Women Engineers (SWE); the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES); the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE); and HandiHams, among many others. Grant funds are expected to support a minimum of 31 local participants and 15 non-local participants. All of the above support will help to ensure an increased participation at the in-person meeting from people from underrepresented groups; students from middle school to graduate school; and active members of the amateur radio community.
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