ARDC’s Strategic Approach

ARDC's High-Level Strategies

ARDC’s strategic approach serves as a roadmap to align our work with our mission and vision, ensuring long-term impact. Thus, as our vision aims to develop a global community of learners, experimenters, and contributors working together to drive innovation and accessibility, so ARDC’s programs (44Net and grantmaking) focus on learning, experimenting, and doing:

  • Learning: getting more people learning about amateur radio (AR) and digital communications (DC).
  • Experimenting: getting more people experimenting, innovating, and developing technology (in the context of AR and DC).
  • Doing: getting more people using new technology productively on more (and newer) bands, modes, and technologies (and other dimensions) within the context of AR and DC.

As we evaluate opportunities for our grantmaking and other program activities, we will be reviewing them based on their ability to meet the above objectives and, overall, help to manifest our vision.

Graphic depicting ARDC's focus areas in amateur radio (AR) and digital communications (DC)

Objective 1: Promote Learning

We support learning opportunities across all ages and competency levels, inside and outside of the classroom. Examples of these opportunities include (but are in no way limited to):

  • Electronics education (particularly as it relates to digital communications)
  • AR license education and other AR educational programs
  • University-level education focused on wireless and DC
  • STEM/STEAM programs that integrate AR and DC
  • Community-based education programs that support out-of-the-classroom, lifelong learning at the intersection of AR and DC

Through learning opportunities, more people can engage with and contribute to advancements in AR and DC.

Objective 2: Promote Experimenting

We promote building upon existing technologies to create new solutions, with real-world application and benefits.

Hands-on experimentation can include:

  • Exploring a specific ham band or non-amateur wireless technologies as a foundation for innovation.
  • Leveraging technology widgets, such as Raspberry Pi’s, SDR receivers, or utilizing electronic kits, all aimed to build and refine technologies.
  • Engaging in citizen science initiatives related to communications

Whether through casual tinkering or deep dives into research and development (R&D), our goal is to support development and innovation at every level.

Objective 3: Promote Doing

Technology needs to be used in the real world, outside the lab, to have impact. Things that just sit on the shelf have limited value, whereas deploying them provides both utility and enjoyment.

Thus, we seek to support projects that encourage broad adoption and feedback, allowing users to refine and improve technology through real-world applications. This community-driven development approach ensures that advancements are made with collaboration, accessibility, and long-term sustainability in mind.

Additionally, getting more people regularly using AR and DC does something else important: it helps to use – and maintain access to – the AR spectrum. We must use it or risk losing it. The same applies to the unlicensed spectrum.

The Road Ahead

This strategy is a starting point, and we foresee it evolving as we also learn from this process of refining our vision. Please reach out to us anytime: