Grant: W8GVU Fox Hunt

Date: January 2023
Amount: $3,800

The Grand Valley State University Amateur Radio Council (W8GVU), established in 1995, promotes the hobby of amateur radio amongst the students, faculty, and staff of Grand Valley State University. They continue their mission of “exploration through RF” by providing learning opportunities, events, and outdoor activities to encourage the members of their campus to become interested in the hobby.

This grant will provide funding to design a fox hunt transmitter and offset attenuator; build and test said equipment and antenna; and to host an on-campus radio fox hunt. Participants will build technical skills and understand that the skills learned in amateur radio can also be utilized in electrical engineering careers. Further, W8GVU hopes use this project, which exemplifies the ability to perform radio direction finding, as a way to cultivate a relationship with their local emergency services.

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