Grant: Improvements to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s CAPE and Amateur Club Radio Station (W5UL)

Date: February 2024
Amount: $10,718

The Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment (CAPE) at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette works to get students involved in aerospace development at the undergraduate and high-school levels.

The primary objectives of the grant project are to improve the University of Louisiana Amateur Club Radio Station (W5UL)’s capabilities and facilitate educational satellite operations and amateur radio operations. They plan to operate the existing CAPE III and the upcoming CAPE IV satellites, along with approximately 20 CAPE-Twiggs Slim Sat Modules. These Slim Sat Modules will be designed and built by high school students, creating a unique learning opportunity for youth.

This project aims to involve 20 schools in their region, requiring each to have an amateur license on their team to participate in the CAPE-Twiggs satellite project. The goal is to have 15 K-12 students and 15 college students licensed per year.

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