ARDC Welcomes New Committee Members for 2024
This blog post was updated on 2/23/2024 to introduce a new member of our TAC and to also acknowledge that one of our new CRC members has sadly become an SK.
Welcome to a whole new year – and new volunteer teams for our four Advisory Committees! They are:
- Grants Advisory Committee (GAC) – reviews grant applications
- Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – works on 44Net-related projects and policies
- Conduct Review Committee (CRC) – helps to evaluate Code of Conduct incident reports
- NEW for 2024 Grants Evaluation Team (GET) – evaluates and analyzes grant reports
These volunteers do significant work for the foundation. Our volunteers on the GAC, TAC, and CRC serve for at least one term, which runs from January to December, and committee members can serve up to three consecutive terms. As the GET is new and experimental, volunteers will be serving from January to June, with the possibility of a longer term if further evaluation work is needed.
As the 2023 term recently ended, we will be saying goodbye to some of our volunteers and welcoming in our new ones. Please join us in thanking our departing team members and welcoming the new folks to the ARDC team!
Grants Advisory Committee (GAC)
Volunteers that are leaving the GAC this year are:
- Bob Witte – K0NR
- Dewayne Hendricks – WA8DZP
- Doug Kingston – KD7DK
Bob and Dewayne won’t be too far away, as Bob is now a Board Member, and both he and Dewayne are on the GET.
Here are the new and returning members:
Sam, Hillary, and Kevin will be joining:
- John Hays – K7VE (Staff Lead)
- Brian Mileshosky – N5ZGT, our newly appointed Committee Chair
- Leandro Soares Indrusiak – G5LSI
- Don Prosnitz – N6PRZ
- Dennis Derickson – AC0P
- Bill Thomas – WT0DX
- Judi Clark – KK6ZCU
- Randy Wilkinson – W4LKS
- Jim Idelson – K1IR
- Kristin Paget – NC0DD
- David Burgess
- Katie Allen – WY7YL, who just started graduate school, will serve as a fill-in where needed
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Volunteers that are leaving the TAC this year are:
- Pierre Martel – VE2PF
- Adam Lewis – KC7GDY
- Rob Janssen – PE1CHL
- Randy Neals – VE3RWN / W3RWN
Here are the new and returning members:
Dan, Dennis, Jeff, and Saquib will be joining:
- Jon Kemper – KA6NVY (Staff Lead)
- John Hays – K7VE (Staff Advisor)
- Zach Seguin – VA3ZTS
- Chip Eckardt – W9OQI
- Dave Gingrich – K9DC
- Rich Gopstein – KD2CQ
- Alvaro Prieto – KC2VVE
- Ian Redden – VA3IAN
Conduct Review Committee (CRC)
Only one volunteer, Tim Požar, KC6GNJ, is leaving the CRC, but he will continue to serve as a contractor through part of 2024 to help with our IT and advise on 44Net issues. In addition to these roles, he will also serve as a volunteer advisor to the TAC.
Here are the new and returning members:
The CRC makeup always consists of a Board Member, ARDC’s HR Lead, and at least one volunteer. Thus, Donni will be joining:
- Keith Packard – K7WQ (Board Representative)
- Merideth Stroh – KK7BKI (HR Lead / Staff Representative)
Shortly upon publishing this blog post, we were informed that Pat had become an SK. We are saddened by this news, as we were very excited to work with her, and we wish we’d had the opportunity to get to know her better.
Grants Evaluation Team (GET)
Our inaugural GET volunteers are:

Bob Witte – K0NR
By Day: Retired, Electrical Engineer, Currently Author and Consultant
Favorite Ham Activities: SOTA and POTA

Dewayne Hendricks – WA8DZP
By Day: Retired, Currently a Mentor and seeking Practical Applications for Cliodynamics
Favorite Ham Activity: Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR)

Willi Kraml – OE1WKL
By Day: Retired, Information Security Consultant and IT Auditor
Favorite Ham Activities: Tinkering and Experimenting

Scott Czeck – KC1GHT
By Day: RF Engineer
Favorite Ham Activities: Building Antennas, Experimenting in the UHF/VHF+ Bands

Darryl Smith – VK2TDS
By Day: Consultant, Electrical Engineering
Favorite Ham Activities: APRS and FT-8
The Staff Lead for the GET is Chelsea Párraga – KF0FVJ. We look forward to seeing what the GET will accomplish in 2024!
For those leaving our advisory committees in 2024, we would like to thank each of you for all you have done for ARDC, and we invite you to remain a part of our extended family. For our new committee members, we’re pleased to welcome all of you to ARDC and look forward to getting to know you. To see the complete list of our 2024 Advisory Committees, check out the Who We Are page. If you would like to learn more about these volunteers, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter, where we highlight a member of each committee in the ARDC Team Spotlight.