Author: Rebecca Key - KO4KVG

What We’ve Been Up To at ARDC

ARDC has been on the move in 2023, participating in a variety of events. We love getting the word out about ARDC and connecting with both our grantees and 44Net users, as they are what make everything we do worthwhile. Here are some highlights of what we’ve been up to so far this year! Orlando … Read More

ARDC Announces New Officers for our Board of Directors

ARDC’s Board of Directors has made some shifts at the Officer level, effective July 1, 2023: Bdale Garbee (KB0G) of Black Forest, CO, is shifting from Treasurer to President, and kc claffy (KC6KCC) of San Diego, CA, is shifting from Director to Treasurer. Secretary John Gilmore (W0GNU) will remain as Secretary. You can see the … Read More

ARISS SPARKs Kids’ Interest in Space

For more than 20 years, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has been connecting elementary, middle, and high school students with scientists and engineers aboard the International Space Station (ISS) using amateur radio. ARISS is involved from start to finish, including designing and building on-orbit amateur radio equipment, reviewing proposals for ARISS contacts … Read More

Introducing ARDC’s Code of Conduct!

Last spring, ARDC conducted a survey to determine if we should adopt a Code of Conduct. The vast majority (~75%) of respondents Agreed or Strongly Agreed that we should. The ARDC team is pleased to share that, after many drafts, the day has finally come! On April 7, ARDC’s Board of Directors approved the first … Read More

Ria Jairam, N2RJ, joins ARDC Board

On April 3, 2023, Ria Jairam, N2RJ, joined the board of directors of Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC). Jairam has been a licensed amateur radio operator since 1997, after first having been licensed in her native Trinidad and Tobago. She has served on the boards of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the ARRL … Read More

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