Last month, ARDC attended Hamvention 2024, and it was amazing! Our booth was buzzing with activity: we enjoyed seeing many of our current and prospective grantees and all of the folks that are interested in getting started on 44Net. Here’s a brief look back at Hamvention weekend.
Board Member Ria Jairam (N2RJ); Executive Director Rosy Schechter (KJ7RYV); Adam Lewis (KC7GDY); TAC Members Dave Gingrich (K9DC) and Rich Gopstein (KD2CQ); and Rebecca Key (KO4KVG) kicking off Hamvention 2024, Day 1.
Case Western Amateur Radio Club W8EDU grantees / ARRL Youth Rally Team members stop by the ARDC Booth. L to R: Ruslan Gindullin (KE8ZCA / R9WFW) Andrej Antunovikj (K8TUN), Adam Goodman (W7OKE), Rosy (KJ7RYV), Rebecca (KO4KVG).
The original 1964 Collins Communications Van was a hit on the trade show floor.
Rebecca (KO4KVG) in front of the Hamvention display.
Dave’s (K9DC) router, set up for 44Net VPN service, currently in beta.
Outdoor vendor booths.
Rosy (KJ7RYV); Board Member Phil Karn (KA9Q); Adam (KC7GDY); Rebecca (KO4KVG); and Board Member Ashhar Farhan (VU2ESE) taking a photo op before greeting the Sunday crowd at the booth.
Steve Miller (KC1AWV), M17; Rosy (KJ7RYV); Nicole Adams (KE2BUF); Ed Wilson, M17 (N2XDD) at the ARDC booth on Sunday.
John Davis (WB4QDX) and Adam (KC7GDY) at D-STAR InfoCon 2024.
One of many rows of cool finds at the Hamvention flea market.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2025. Until then, 73!