Findings from the Grants Evaluation Team (GET)

One of the biggest questions we get from our community is: which grants awarded by ARDC are successful? To answer this question, ARDC established the Grants Evaluation Team (GET) in 2024 to dive into reports from completed projects and compile their findings in a report, which we are pleased to be able to share.

In preparing this report, the GET reviewed 99 final reports from projects funded by ARDC grants between August 2021 and March 2024, discussed trends and learnings in six biweekly meetings, and processed the results.

Rather than conducting a formalized evaluation, the GET aimed to reflect on the work from various perspectives; provide the community the opportunity to identify key takeaways; and to address three main questions:

  • Were these grant projects a good use of ARDC funds?
  • Were these grant projects successful?
  • What information about these grants should be shared back with our community?

Through their evaluation, the GET determined that, overall, the majority of our projects were successful in advancing ARDC’s goals:

Pie chart depicting the successes of projects funded by Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).

  • About 71% of our grant projects are clearly successful in advancing ARDC’s goals.
  • About 22% of our funded projects have unclear outcomes, indicating that grantees completing larger projects need more support in knowing what information to share back with us.
  • The Grants Advisory Committee (GAC), which recommends grants for funding, accurately predicts which proposals will be successful.
  • ARDC can use insights from these final reports to inform the amateur radio community about impactful projects and help them avoid common pitfalls.
  • Youth education and small amateur radio club projects are highly effective and cost-efficient in promoting amateur radio.

To learn more about the GET’s findings, check out the full report here. You can also reach out to us at if you have any specific questions about ARDC’s grantmaking.